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The City now uses Citizen Alert for emergency messages and advisories

Citizen Alert As of June 2023, the City of Ashland and Jackson County have partnered together with Citizen Alert. The system allows the City to send out alerts during an emergency, or advisories such as power outages, smoke advisories or street closures. The alerts may be targeted to your area; for example, if a power outage only affects a certain area of Ashland, addresses in that area may receive an advisory as to when the power may return. Messages can also be targeted to evacuation zones within the City limits. Know your Zone! – Visit to learn more.
Anyone in your household with a smartphone, or even a smartwatch, should create their own account in Citizen Alert. It is easy to do and only takes minutes. Creating your own account will allow you to make changes as needed, for example, if you have an address change or a new place of employment. The system will allow you to enter multiple locations.
Sign up today at
Alerts can be sent to you via text (smartphone), landline or email. Signing up online will give you the opportunity to prioritize how you want to receive alerts and allow you to sign up for alerts that correlate with your home address, your work address, your child’s school address or a loved one’s address.
All Ashland residents are strongly encouraged to sign up for the Citizen Alert System, even if you had an account with the previous system, Nixle.
Q&A section:
Q: I already have a Nixle account with the previous alert system. Do I need to sign up for the new system?
A: You are strongly encouraged to create a new account on the new Citizen Alerts system.
Q: What if I only want text alerts?
A: While you can still text “97520” to “888777”  for Ashland only alerts, you are still encouraged to sign up online. Doing so will give you the opportunity to select the preferred method of contact, and you will sign up for Jackson County alerts at the same time. (If you were in the Nixle 97520 opt-in group and do not wish to sign up online, please text “97520” to “888777” to ensure you are in the Citizen Alert system.)
Q: I have pre-teens and teenagers in my home. Do they need their own accounts?
A: If pre-teens or teenagers have smartphones, or even a smartwatch, they should create their own account.
Q: Can I enter multiple locations on my account so that I can stay informed about the various locations I may frequent or have loved ones?
A: Yes, the new system will allow you to enter multiple locations that you can assign a name to, such as, HOME, WORK or SCHOOL, for example.
We are better together!
Released July 11, 2023 

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